WISQARS Leading Causes of Nonfatal Injury Visualization Tool

Leading Causes of Nonfatal Injury - Data Filters
Data Years:2022Number of Causes:Top 10Intent of Injury:All InjuriesSex:Both SexesDisposition:All CasesAge:1-14 in 5-year groups; 15-65+ in 10-year groups

10 Leading Causes of Nonfatal Emergency Department Visits, United States

2022All Injuries,  Disposition: All CasesBoth SexesAll RacesAll Ages

A grid with leading causes colored to match intent and ranked by age group. For an accessible version of this data, change the 'Display As' control to the 'Table' option.
Estimated Number
Select a cause to highlight

10 Leading Causes of Nonfatal Injury for ages

All Injuries2022Both SexesAll CasesAll Races


WISQARS Leading Cause of Nonfatal Injury Help

-- indicates suppressed value; (nonfatal injury counts based on <20 unweighted count, <1,200 weighted count, or coefficient of variation of the estimate >30%)

ᵅ CDC does not recommend using NEISS-AIP data for nonfatal firearm injury prevalence estimates at this time. Firearm injuries have distinct geographic patterns, and estimates can be imprecise or change over time when based on a small number of facilities. CDC is working with CPSC to update and expand the NEISS hospital sample  (Go to "About Nonfatal Injury Data” to learn more).

Reports for All Ages include those of unknown age.
Standard Population is 2000, all races, both sexes.
Population estimates are aggregated for multi-year reports to produce rates.
Stability calculations are not done on 'All Other' category, which includes any categories not shown.
Advanced Statistics are available in the table view.

The 'Other Assault' category includes all assaults that are not classified as sexual assault. It represents the majority of assaults.

The 'Unintentional' category includes 'Undetermined' intent.

Data source:

  • National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program for WISQARS Nonfatal data, an estimated number of hospital visits for injury care that start in an emergency department based on a U.S. nationally representative probability sample of hospitals.
Produced by: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC.