Economic Cost of Opioid Use Disorder and Fatal Overdose Module Help

The Economic Cost of Opioid Use Disorder and Fatal Overdose module presents the economic burden of opioid use disorder and fatal overdose at the state level in 2017 - the most recent analysis available -. Estimates of the economic burden assist decision makers, clinicians, public health professionals, researchers, and otherstakeholders to better understand the magnitude and distribution of opioid use disorder and fatal overdose costs in individual states of the USA.

The economic burden of opioid use disorder and fatal overdose was estimated based on the prevalence of opioid use disorder and the count of fatal opioid overdose. The prevalence of opioid use disorder was obtained from the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Data Archive and the count of fatal opioid overdose from the CDC WONDER.

Opioid use disorder costs include health care costs, substance abuse treatment costs, criminal justice costs, lost productivity, and value of reduced quality of life.

Fatal overdose costs include health care costs, lost productivity, and value of statistical life lost.

Total costs are the sum of opioid use disorder costs and fatal overdose costs.

Per capita total costs, per capita opioid use disorder costs, and per capita fatal overdose costs are total costs, opioid use disorder costs, and fatal overdose costs divided by population, respectively.

Economic Cost by State

The first visualization on the page is the Economic Cost by State map which presents the economic burden of opioid use disorder and fatal overdose at the state level in 2017.

Data Filters

The menu next to the map chart allows users to select various settings that affect the data and display of the visualization on the screen.

  • Cost: Choose the cost category to be displayed on the map visualization as well as the cost subcategories that are visible in the tables and hover-over displays. Users can request to see:
    • Total cost of opioid use disorder and fatal overdose
    • Overdose cost, or
    • Opioid use disorder cost
  • Selected State: Choose a state to highlight it in the map or table and display that state in the comparison table.
  • Comparison State: Choose a comparison state to highlight it in the map or table and display that state in the comparison table.
  • Display as: Choose the type of display to show the selected cost data. Options include Chart (the map visualization) or Table (a tabular text representation)

Map Legend

This section identifies the range of cost values per capita that are represented on the map chart for the selected cost type. Lighter yellow values are smaller growing to darker red/orange for higher cost values. If values were suppressed, they are indicated by a diagonal grid pattern.

Export Controls Section

This section gives the user the ability to export the data or an image file for the current cost selection. The export options include:

  • Export Data: A .csv data file of the corresponding cost data is generated and downloaded that includes the cost category values for each state and the national values.
  • Export Image A .png raster image file is generated for the current cost values representing the state of the map chart per capita classifications.
  • Export SVG: A .svg vector graphic file is generated for the current cost values representing the state of the map chart per capita classifications.

Keep in mind

The image and SVG export options are disabled if the "Display as: Table" option has been s elected.

State map chart display

This section is the primary visualization of cost per capita amounts for the selected cost category. The color classification of each state is data driven and based off the selected cost category. Some features of the map include:

  • Color Classification: Each location is colored based on the corresponding quartile of the per capita total cost distribution for the selected cost category.
  • Suppressed Data: If a location's data has been suppressed for any reason, that area will be filled with diagonal grid pattern to indicate suppression.
  • Map Interactivity: Clicking a locations shape will set that location as "Selected" while Control-Clicking a location will set is as the "Comparison".
  • State Callouts: Smaller states are represented by square callouts to the right of the map. These callouts are shaded the same as the state and have similar interactivity.
  • Hover Over: Hovering the mouse over a location or callout will cause a pop up to appear over the location displaying the selected cost categories for that location.
  • Selection: The selected and comparison locations are indicated with a purple border.

Tabular data display

This section displays cost per capita amounts for the selected cost category in an alternate tabular display. This representation of the data is well suited for comparison and for accessibility. Some features of the table include:

  • Suppressed Data: If a locations data has been suppressed for any reason, that cell will be filled with dashes to indicate suppression.
  • Table Interactivity: Clicking a row will set that location as "Selected" while Control-Clicking a row will set that location as "Comparison".
  • Selection: The selected and comparison states are indicated with a light purple background color.

Keep in mind

Per capita cost values are represented in 2017 dollars per person while other categories are displayed in millions of 2017 dollars (indicated by M) .

Economic Cost Summary

The Economic Cost Summary visualization presents the economic burden of opioid use disorder and fatal overdose at the state level for 2017 in an either a summary or detailed table.

Data Filters

The table can be updated using the controls to add state and comparison state columns.

  • Selected State: Choose a state to display in the comparison table.
  • Comparison State: Choose a comparison state to display in the comparison table.
  • Display as: Select the amount of data you want to see in the table. Users can select "summary" to see the total cost of opioid use disorder and fatal overdose for the selected states or select "detail" to view a detailed breakdown of the cost.

Export Data:

A .csv data file of the corresponding cost data is generated and downloaded that includes the cost values for each state selected and the national values.