WISQARS Explore Fatal and Nonfatal Data
Explore Fatal Injury Data Visualization
Causes of Injury-Related Death
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Data source: NCHS Vital Statistics System for numbers of deaths. Bureau of Census for population estimates.
Users can filter data by clicking on chart or by selecting Filters from Filter Data button when using keyboard navigation.
U.S. Map of Injury Related Deaths
Data source: NCHS Vital Statistics System for numbers of deaths. Bureau of Census for population estimates.
Users can filter data by clicking on a chart or by selecting Filters from the Filter Data button when using keyboard navigation.
Information on Census map regions and county boundary changes
** indicates Unstable values, -- indicates Suppressed values, --* indicates Secondary Suppression.
Connecticut population estimates for 2022 are reported for 9 planning regions as county equivalent areas, instead of the former 8 counties. Population estimates for the former counties are not available for 2020 and later due to these changes; therefore, rates are not displayed.
Distribution by Sex
Data source: NCHS Vital Statistics System for numbers of deaths. Bureau of Census for population estimates.
Users can filter data by clicking on a chart or by selecting Filters from the Filter Data button when using keyboard navigation.
Distribution by Age
Data source: NCHS Vital Statistics System for numbers of deaths. Bureau of Census for population estimates.
Users can filter data by clicking on a chart or by selecting Filters from the Filter Data button when using keyboard navigation.
Distribution by Race
Data source: NCHS Vital Statistics System for numbers of deaths. Bureau of Census for population estimates.
Users can filter data by clicking on a chart or by selecting Filters from the Filter Data button when using keyboard navigation.
Notation: ** indicates unstable value (<20 deaths); -- indicates suppressed value; (between one to nine deaths or nonfatal injury counts based on <20 unweighted count, <1,200 weighted count, or coefficient of variation of the estimate >30%); --* indicates secondary suppression.
Produced by: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC.